How Movement Transforms Your Brain, Mood, and Life
One of the things I emphasize when working with students—especially those experiencing anxiety or depression—is that our minds are always paying attention to our bodies.
Imbolc and the Beauty of New Beginnings: What Might You Begin Again?
The New Moon is a powerful moment to pause and reflect. It’s a time to plant seeds of possibility, asking ourselves the timeless question: What might I begin again?
Dare to Rest: Hearing Winter’s Call to Pause and Reflect
Yin energy is at its peak in winter—when daylight is scarce, temperatures are cooler, and nature’s movements are more still. Winter whispers an invitation to slow down, to pause, to rest.
The Water Element and Qigong Practice: Mindful Ways to Align with Nature This Winter
Water, one of the five elements in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), symbolizes adaptability, depth, and renewal.
Qi: Not a Noun, But a Verb – Experiencing the Living Flow of Life Force
In qigong practice, the word qi often gets translated as "life force" or "energy." For a long time, I thought of qi as a “thing”—something that flows, yes, but more like an invisible fluid moving through my body.
Manifest Health and Vitality Using Intention (Yi) and the Metal Element in Qigong
With fall upon us, it's the perfect time to tune into the qualities of the Metal element and discover how its properties—both energetically and through the actual metals that surround us—can help bring balance into our lives. Today, we'll explore the connection between Yi and the Metal element and how incorporating metals into your environment, like jewelry, sculptures, or even furniture, can support your well-being.
The Metal Element: The Benefits of Qigong for Autumn Wellness
In TCM, the Five Element theory provides a holistic framework to understand how the different aspects of health—diet, movement, and emotions—are interconnected with nature. Each element corresponds to a season, organ system, and various bodily functions. Here’s a quick overview:
Breaking Free from the Diet Roller Coaster: My Journey to Mindful Eating and Movement
For over 30 years, I was trapped in the relentless cycle of dieting, struggling with the toxic influences of diet culture, negative body image, and the pressures of exercise culture. This trifecta led me into a whirlpool of disordered eating, which disrupted my natural ability to listen to my body’s needs and damaged my relationship with food and movement.
Discover the Joy of Mindful Eating This Summer
Mindful eating is about more than just consuming food; it's about becoming aware of the positive and nurturing opportunities available through food preparation and consumption.
Embodying Recovery
One of the most profound challenges on the journey to healing from an eating disorder is the process of truly embodying our physical selves.