Nurturing Eating Disorder Recovery

beautiful green hills with a large labyrinth carved into the ground

3 Ways to Find Your Center with Yoga and Qigong

Dear friends on the path of healing and recovery,

In the realm of yoga and qigong, where every breath and movement holds the potential for transformation, I find myself truly humbled by the strength and resilience of those I have had the privilege to guide on their journey towards recovery from eating disorders. It is a path laden with challenges, but it's also one of immense hope and growth. Today, I want to share with you three invaluable tips for grounding and centering yourself as you embark on your movement practice. These tips have been cultivated through years of experience and the utmost integrity, with your well-being at the forefront.

1. Setting Gentle Intentions:

In the world of healing, the intention is your North Star. It guides your practice and, in turn, your recovery. The first step is to set an intention to be gentle with yourself. Recognize that your body is your sanctuary, a place deserving of love and respect. In every pose and movement, remind yourself to be gentle, kind, and forgiving. Banish thoughts of exercise as a means of calorie burning or distraction from pain. Instead, approach your practice as an act of self-love and appreciation.

2. Silent Affirmations:

As we begin to move, the mind often races with doubt and fear. This is where silent affirmations become a powerful tool. Affirmations can shift your mindset and, ultimately, your relationship with your body. Repeat phrases like "I am strong," "I am beautiful," or "I am enough." Let these words become the soundtrack to your practice. With each breath, let the affirmations wash over you, replacing any negative thoughts with positivity and self-acceptance.

3. Breath as Your Anchor:

Racing thoughts and the compulsion to exercise excessively can be overwhelming. Before they escalate, harness the power of your breath. I recommend a simple yet potent technique known as box breathing. Inhale for a count of four, hold for four, exhale for four, and pause for four. This technique is a grounding force, calming the mind and redirecting your focus. In the stillness between breaths, find the space to reflect on your intentions and the affirmations you've set.

Daily routines can be a lifeline in recovery. They provide structure, stability, and a sense of purpose. In collaboration with an eating disorder recovery coach, you can create a personalized daily routine. This routine will encompass morning, mid-afternoon, evening, and bedtime rituals, designed to nurture your physical and emotional well-being. And don't underestimate the power of sleep—it is a potent ally in your recovery journey, promoting healing and restoration.

Remember, dear ones, this path is a sacred one. It may have its twists and turns, but it is uniquely yours. Embrace these tips, grounded in integrity and experience, and let them guide you towards recovery and self-empowerment. In the world of yoga and qigong, where every movement is a step toward healing, know that you are never alone on this journey.

With kindness and the utmost sincerity,

Satya, your Eating Disorder Recovery Coach


Slow Motion Cures Commotion: How Qigong Became My Sanctuary.


Nourishing Your Body and Soul: 3 Tips for Mindful Eating in the Midst of Discomfort